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Hillybilly Mafia 3.5

I'm a bit late getting this posted. We had kidding and gardening, new hogs, and puppy introductions.

This week we got to meet Dad, got our first trip outside (one at a time). I'm impressed how quickly they learned to quietly sit for attention. The pen got bigger and they got more toys (balls and teddy bears are the group faves). They got their first worming this week too. Toenails are still clipped every three days, but it's getting increasingly harder now that they are mobile.

Personalities are starting to take shape now. There's much tussling and the pack hierarchy is getting ironed out. Teeth are coming in and it looks like next week they will be getting their first solid food. Potty training isn't going so great yet, but usually improves once we get a potty box installed. Piddle pads are more of a toy at the moment.

Next week we will be putting up puppy fencing for the yard for more outdoors adventures, an adventure box is being constructed, crates for sleeping installed, and a potty box put in place. I can't wait to watch their personalities continue to change and develop.

Due to kidding and pasture fencing for hogs, pictures were quick and dirty this time, but I plan to get more this Tuesday/Wednesday which will be put on the group Facebook page.


This little fluffy boy we have taken to calling the Tasmanian Devil. He's the last to sleep and first to awake, forever playing and tussling with his siblings. He was a very brave boy when it came to meeting the other dogs and pranced around the grass with his tail up and his chest out - when his nose wasn't on the ground. He's not above crawling out of the low part of the box just to explore the livingroom! Though his patience is short, he will sit quiet at the end of the day so he can be rocked to sleep as he cuddles under my chin.


This week he's still the biggest boy. Cletus is pretty active, but he melts into your chest for a cuddle. Outside was ok, but only if it was explored close to someone trustworthy (me or mom). The wind was very strange! He loved meeting the other dogs and sat for kisses from Dad. It takes him a little bit to find a comfy spot to sleep, which is usually on the top of the puppy pile.


We've taken to calling Hoyt "Mama's Boy". He LOVES to cuddle, but you have to do it right. Only I can do it right, Mat doesn't have the finesse LOL. His favorite part about outside was meeting the dogs. He loved to cuddle up in Rhys's tail. As of now it's looking like he sitting in the middle of the pack. He would rather play than get all growly. He's another that will gladly crawl out of the pen if he smells Saoirse close.

We kept his outside trip short because he show a bit of fear. We are going for good experiences and pups develop so differently for each other, all hitting stages at different times. I loved to meet the other dogs and didn't mind checking things out as it was from a lap or in arms.


Love bug Earl. Happiest being toted around or shaking a teddy bear to death. He has very soft eyes and makes great eye contact. He loves to play with the balls in the box. He was a fearless explorer outside and I had to get up to fetch him multiple times. He loved the dogs and all the smells. The chickens even came to see the new guy. He's one of the firsts that will sit quiet to be picked up, and he does wait longer than most.

Bobby Jean

Bobby is another lover. She will NEVER pass up a cuddle and will quickly fall happily asleep with her head tucked under my chin. She gives the best puppy kisses too! She has no problems posting up to Roscoe and letting him know how the cow eats the cabbage. She quietly watches from the outside of any chaos. Outside was interesting and the dogs were ok, but Momma was the best because she hauls around the milk bar. She likes to sleep under things, I anticipate her liking to sleep in a crate.

Alva Dean

Alva likes to be held, but not so much cuddled. She'd love nothing more than to play. She holds soft eye contact really well. She loved the new balls added to the box, but her fave is a rope. She roughs up the boys, usually when they are trying to sit quiet to be picked up... Outside was a bit concerning. There was a lot of noise! But after a quick drink from the milk bar and a little encouragement, she decided it wasn't so bad after all. Alva is a climber and she is one of the reasons the outside pen is getting expedited.

Daisy Jane

Daisy has the softest eyes and is the first to sit and make eye contact. She loves to cuddle and to just hang out and watch the world from your arms. She has the longest attention span and is the most patient and focused of the group this week. Outside was neat but the new dogs were the best. Rhys took to her, laying down and being real still so she'd approach.

Dovie May

Little miss freckle face. Always up front, but more quiet. She will try to craw up your arm or lap until she's reminded she needs to sit, which she will quickly do. Dovie explored close, making sure to touch me or Mom. Dad and Uncle Jax were ok if they would lay still. She didn't like noses in her face and wasn't afraid to say so. It was amazing to watch Rhys take the cues from her, lay down and be very quiet. She snuggled his tail and suffered a lick deciding he wasn't so bad.

Della Rue

My other freckle face. Della is a quiet girl liking to watch. She does a great job sitting for attention, and does so from the back. She likes to sleep and just hang out. When I count 9 pups, it's a fair bet she's in a corner somewhere sleeping. She's a lover and a cuddler and most times she's the toy that other pups are chewing on. Outside was pretty neat. After watching from my lap, she sampled some grass and waddled up to introduce herself to the new dogs. Everything is on Della Rue time.

Ellie Mae

My little mohawked hellion. She is moving all the time. Her and Roscoe are always roughing up everyone. She's the talker with barks and growls most of the time. When she first found her growl, she did it so much it sounded like a cat purring. Outside by herself though, she was hesitant to explore and instead would seek out Saoirse for some liquid courage. The other dogs were ok, not a big deal. She'd rather not be cuddled as much and is constantly looking to get down to explore the room. You can pretty much guarantee she will get out of the box at least once a day.

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