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  • liquidmoonfarms

Hillbilly Mafia 4 and some

We had some 90 degree weather this week AND the mafia got a new deck playground. None of the pups were very big fans of the heat. We found that wetting paws and bellies and laying in front of box fans in the shade helped; but mostly there was lots of whining and belly aching to go back in the house to sleep. We did enjoy a pool party and a nap infront of the fan though. This routine is now called the Hillbilly Spa treatment, but it's a bit early to tell how the pups will take to water.

The adventure box is a hit and all the pups like to engage the toys. They are hung so the pups have to look up, encouraging interaction with things above their head (though most already have this - sitting and looking for your face with soft eyes to ask to be picked up).

Worming was gross! We didn't appreciate that much at all. It's not so bad with some applesauce though, and after hitting the milk bar, it was an old faded memory.

Thunder and fireworks are not too stressful, and the Hillbillies love to play in the rain. We've heard lots of noises like crowds, kids playing, gunshots, dogs, traffic, construction work, and we are all very used to farm noises. Our favorite things to do is play on the deck and get our meal, then go do business in the yard and play around exploring in the big open field. We tried to do a short woods walk, but the mafia wasn't quite ready yet. Their follow instinct isn't quite there with all of them - and we can't have anarchy running all over the place.

A few were bold enough to push the goslings off. I imagined them yelling "get off my lawn!" as they marched them away. Chickens, ducks, Guineas and roosters all come check out the mafia when we are out in the field. For the most part everyone ignores everyone else, but the adult dogs take care of any that may be too close. I've noticed that at the end of the week, the adult dogs are getting more lax - letting the pups get themselves into trouble. They aren't as worried about the yard birds, don't go fetch a pup that is wandering too far. They just watch and we see what happens. 9 times out of 10, the pup learns something. We only interfere if there is danger.

Ellie Mae and Hoyt quick behind her

Crates are inside and out now. Small crates are a hit and most of them will pile in one to sleep. The large crate is ok to play in too, but I've yet to see a pup sleeping in it. Potty training is going really well. They most all have very large tells to go potty. There has only been one accident since we installed the potty box. It's filled with wood pellets, easy to clean, no smell, and I can transport some of those pellets to areas I want them to potty - like the yard. We are working on a smaller mobile one for the deck. Most can't make it to the yard yet, but they will be able to hold it a bit longer as they age and make it out there just fine.

Bedroom in the house, complete with potty box - which Hoyt and Ellie Mae have dubbed a bed


Earl sits nicely to get attention and he will gladly climb to get out of the bedroom, deck room, off the side of the deck, in your lap, off the steps..... I'm constantly chasing him down. He will willingly play and explore as well as crawl in and out of the pool searching for either food or water. He knows the fan and will find a nice place to sleep in front of it.

He's lively when exploring a room unknow and boisterous and very active when playing with people and toys. He adverts eyes most the time when he is put on his back (by pups and me) and doesn't forgive very easily.

We learned about high places like tables this week. No sweat of Earl's brow. He handled it with confidence, but got a bit worried when walking toward the side.


Cletus is always wanting out to explore more. He will complain when he can't do so, and will climb to get where he wants. He's torn about the pool; not a huge fan of getting his feet wet, yet wants to be in there with everyone else, and he likes to cool off. Talk about an existential crisis.

He's a happy and confident explorer. Happy to be with his person, he'll show appropriate submission and playful interaction with toys and people. He has a great nose and is attracted to anything with a smell - feet, crotches, shoes, duck poo....


Hoyt was a bit sound sensitive at the beginning of the week and got a lot of encouragement. When it comes to exploring, he's the bravest to venture out further than the others. He's also a climber and will navigate obstacles to get where he wants. I'm pretty sure he makes maps and tells the rest about it, because it's not long before everyone else is following in his steps.

Hoyt loves the water and is often times just walking around in the pool. He tries to engage others of the mafia, but most will not have any playing in the pool. For some reason they have decided it is sitting time, not playing time. I'm sure Hoyt will change their minds. Maybe they need a map...

Sometimes he will get a bit over stimulated and needs help calming down. He used to make quite the racket at the beginning of the week, but I've noticed a steep decline to that behavior - Ellie Mae has now picked up that torch.

By himself in new rooms he's more people based and will sniff a few places hesitantly then snuggles with his people. He will play willingly with people and toys. He gets comfortable with his environment quickly and soon searches out further.


Roscoe is still bold, but will occasionally ask for a cuddle when he's tired. This has increased by the end of the week. He's constantly under foot, always comes first and is always looking with soft eyes, and often a smile. He likes the water and will willingly get in the pool, but takes pool parties in small doses. It's a struggle to sit and wait nicely when it's time to come out to play, but he figures it out eventually. He loves his noisy toys.

He is hesitant to explore new rooms by himself, but is quick to play. He expressed a high prey drive and shakes the sock to death when he catches it. He's submissive to adults and his people and excitedly shows his belly to engage. Roscoe is enthusiastic, about everything - except tables. He will stack, and stands with confidence, but is a bit hesitant when walking. It's high!

Daisy Jane

Daisy is a people puppy and loves to climb in your lap for pets. She's always the first to sit in hopes she gets picked, and she waits the longest; a very polite little pup. She sticks closer to play in the yard, but she will play her heart out with her siblings. She was very quiet at the end of the week.

She was a little fearful the end of this week and wasn't comfortable exploring new rooms on her own. She would come directly to me and lean on me. Once comforted, she began to settle in and explored with her nose. She follows toys with her nose and doesn't really have a need or want to grab it. Not many pictures of her this time, many of my pictures of her were blurry, of half a face, or a butt.

Ellie Mae

Ellie is a spitfire and very loud about what she wants - usually out to explore. She's working on sitting nice, but when you can climb out yourself, who needs to! She's always wrestling and very active. She will get in the pool to wet her feet and grab a quick drink, but that's it, so sitting, no waiting, and definitely no playing in the pool.

She boldly and excitedly explores new places by her self. She exhibits excitement and submission to her people and adults. She engages to play enthusiastically.

Dovie May

Dovie is still quiet this week. She's a people watcher. She will play occasionally, but is happiest playing by herself. She's content to study as things happen. Dovie is quick to explore in the yard or sit at my feet and play under the chair. She wants in the pool when I'm in there, but really doesn't seem to like it much on her own. She get's pushed around only so long before she explodes like a tiny package of dynamite.

She explores new rooms freely, yet hesitantly with tail low - however will hold it up when coached so. It takes a moment to get her engaged with toys, but she will do so to please you.

She didn't like the table at all and really wouldn't stand unless I stacked here. As long as my hands were on her, even if they were on her tail and fingers under her chin, she was right as rain. She needed quite a bit of cuddling and encouragement to pull her back up to rights.

She will shut down (negative stressor reaction) if pushed beyond her comfort zone and I've noticed she takes a quiet hand and is pretty forgiving to humans. Wonderful eye contact.

Alva Dean

Alva didn't ask to be picked up much this week. She was too busy in the middle of the pack, ya know, doing mafia things; exploring, in and out of the pool, chewing on protesting Hillbillies.

By herself she is quick to explore a new room and she will engage her human quickly. She will chase in tiny spurts, and once 'caught' she keeps her sock and lays to chew it.

She was quick to take to the table, and stacked well.

Della Rue

Della is mid-low pack and happy to do whatever. She is quick to hunt out shade and water and fan if needed. She stays within the pack to explore, but takes action after she watches and learns from the others.

By herself in new rooms she explores hesitantly but with confidence. Once she had smelled the area she will fully and excitedly engage with toys. When humans play though, she would rather snuggle.

The table was no big thing. She was hesitant at first and would explore in low stance; stacked well. Not many pictures turned out of her this time.

Bobby Jean

Bobby plays with everyone. She's mid pack and happily engages with toys on her own. Explores with the pack, rarely on the outskirts by herself. Doesn't hate the water and will willingly climb in for a drink but doesn't love to stay in.

She's happy to explore new rooms on her own as long as her human is near. Once she has smelled all the smell, she will happily and joyfully engage in people. She loves to snuggle and is a more mild pup thus far. Her favorite thing is to be picked up to which she will put her head under your chin. If you don't give the correct response (hug with the chin) she will bump your chin and preform the maneuver again.

She did well on the table, but wanted lots of hugs afterwards.

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